Always 100% for Adoption Expenses

With a new team on board and full-time employees for the first time in its history, do 100% of donations still go to fund adoptions?

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Sacred Selections has always shared that 100% of all individual donations and profits from fundraisers go directly to adoption expenses. With a new team on board and full-time employees for the first time in its history, is this still the case?

Yes! The Board of Directors, along with the team, are eager for you to know that every individual donation you make still goes directly to adoption expenses. 

So how are we funding administrative expenses? We’re so glad you asked!

There are four primary avenues for funding administrative costs for Sacred Selections:

  1. The Future 500

The Future 500 is a campaign inviting donors to give toward three causes at once through a donation of at least $1000 annually, or $83.50 monthly. These donations are divided so that a portion goes to the adoption fund along with all other private and fundraiser donations. The rest is split between the ongoing administrative expense fund and an endowment that, when fully funded, will be able to cover those administrative expenses into the future. Members of the Future 500 receive a quarterly newsletter including a new annual review of the previous year.

  1. Corporate Sponsors

We are highlighting a sponsor with each of our newsletters out of appreciation for their generosity and in hopes that our supporters will keep them in mind as great sources for each of their respective fields!

Corporate Sponsors are sent a monthly set of high-level reports to stay informed and provide feedback by way of an annual review each year. Their own experience with running a business gives them valuable insight into effectively managing costs and more. Sponsors are from a variety of industries and business sizes. Their annual donations are integral to the running of Sacred Selections!

  1. Percentage of Proceeds Sponsors

You might have seen these sponsors on our Facebook and Instagram accounts! Percentage of Proceeds sponsors designate a portion of sales or new contracts, etc., on a regular basis. Currently these sponsors include:

  • One Stone Biblical Resources – a provider of bible study materials for all ages including workbooks, children’s curricula, study aids, teachers’ supplies and much more! One Stone generously donates 2% of sales to Sacred Selections.
  • Bosun Solutions – Bosun Solutions is an expert in staffing solutions. Their unique approach to flexible and scalable hiring, includes on-site and remote hiring so you can focus on growing your business. The Bosun Gives program donates 5% of the staffing fee for new clients who choose to participate in the program.
  • Kingdom Marketing – Kingdom Marketing aims to help spread the boundaries of God’s Kingdom by providing tactical digital marketing for Kingdom-oriented businesses! They donate at least 10% of proceeds from business with all approving clients to Sacred Selections.
  • Open Door Financial Advisors – Open Door provides financial planning, investment guidance and management for those who put faith & family first. Instead of sales, transaction fees, and investment minimums that are common for the field, Open Door uses a monthly subscription to provide fair and consistent pricing for clients in all stages of life and financial planning. A portion of that fee is donated to Sacred Selections from all participating clients.
  1. Administrative Grants & Donations

Finally, we are blessed to receive donations from individuals and foundations that are noted for administrative expenses.

Because of the generosity of Future 500 members, Corporate & Percentage of Proceed Sponsors, and Administrative Donations, we are still able – and will continue – to ensure that 100% of individual donations and fundraiser proceeds go directly to adoption expenses for grant-approved families. Donors know when their gifts will go toward administrative expenses and the endowment fund. We are thankful for those who see the merit of funding these along with the many generous donors who make it possible to fund adoptions!

If you would like more information about our sponsors’ businesses, becoming a sponsor or member of the Future 500, or how to make a donation toward the administrative or endowment funds, please reach out to Trey Caster at 479-831-8224 or

We’re thankful you are interested in the work we are doing to support families. Every interaction on social media, every donation, and especially every prayer holds up the kingdom work of financially supporting families on their adoption journey.

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498 Children & Counting

Since 2007, the adoption expenses for 498 children have been either fully or partially funded by Sacred Selections. Sacred Selections has helped to fund both domestic and international adoptions from 9 different countries, for couples living in 29 different states.

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