Apply for an Adoption Grant

Take the first step in your journey to building your family through adoption.

Considering adoption?

What you need to know:

Sacred Selections provides grants to married couples based on three sets of criteria: church membership, legal ability to adopt, and financial need. All details of your application are considered private and confidential. This includes information provided about your financial situation, your home study documents, and your personal story and references.

Further details are listed below.

Next Steps for Adoption

Here's what you will need

Sacred Selections is sensitive to the protection of your privacy regarding the information contained in these documents. None of the financial information you submit is shared with any person(s), institution or organization outside of the foundation.

All documents are kept in a secure location at the foundation and no one other than board members are allowed access to them. Generally documents are not returned. Once the board members determine there is no reason for the documents to be retained they are securely disposed of, ensuring your continued privacy.

Sacred Selections welcomes your telephone calls or e-mails to if you have any further questions or concerns regarding privacy.

Sacred Selections will hold grant decisions until all of the requested financial documents are received.

Tax Returns
Copies of last two (2) years Federal Tax returns

Current Salary
Copies of last three (3) months pay stubs. (Please include all employers, from both spouses if applicable)

Home Study
A copy of the completed home study

Current Salary
Copies of last six (6) months pay stubs. (Please include all employers, from both spouses if applicable)

Other Sources of Income
Investments, CDs, rentals, gifting, etc. Any and all sources of regular income. Specify by amount received annually.

Personal Bank Account(s)
Please be conscientious to include ALL accounts. Include Bank Name and branch location. Submit copies of last 12 months bank statements for each account.

Personal Savings Account(s)
Include all accounts. Include Bank Name and branch location. Submit copies of last 12 months bank statements for each account.

Other Investments
Mutual funds, CD’s, Money Market funds, Bonds, Life Insurance policies with cash value. 401k, IRA’s or SEP’s.

Real Estate
Personal residence (only if you own your home) List current home equity, approximate market value and loan balance. List any investment real estate (number and type only)

For any automobiles with financing, please list the current loan (or lease) amount.

Credit Cards
Type and balance for all, as well as credit limit(s).

Other personal loans
Type and balances. Include second mortgages, or insurance loans student loans, family or friend loans, personal loans, etc.

Current Monthly Income
Include employment and passive income sources

Current monthly expenses
List by category. Mortgage(s), car payments, credit card(s), utilities, health insurance, etc.

Your Story
An overview about yourself, your interest in adoption, why you are requesting a grant, any history or experience with adoption or the process and what “your story” should include: how long you have been married, number of children, and where you worship.

Reference letters / recommendations
Include a letter from the following: All of the elders and the preacher(s) at the congregation of which you are a member, two friends, and two family members.

The board members rely upon your personal integrity in the completeness and accuracy of the information contained in these documents.

Thank you very much.

Get Started

Apply for a Grant

Certainly you’re not the first person with questions about adoption. Visit our FAQ (frequently asked questions) page where we hope to provide answers.

Please download the Sacred Selections Personal Information document for instructions on how to apply for Financial Aid in your adoption process.

If you have questions regarding the application process, please contact us. 
When you have your completed application with all your documents, references, and information, please send in ONE binder and in ONE package (with tracking number, no signature required). 
Please contact us for the mailing address – We look forward to reviewing your application. 

Charitable Status

Sacred Selections, Inc. is incorporated in Tennessee as a 501(c)3 charitable organization, EIN 20-0244936.

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