Grant Coverage

Everything you need to know about a Sacred Selections adoption grant.

An Adoption Partnership

Adoption through Sacred Selections is shared kingdom work. That means that your participation in this partnership begins prior to your grant approval and lasts long after your adoption process has ended.

Your journey begins with a successfully completed home study by a licensed social worker in the state you reside. The cost of the home study which is between $2,000 and $3,000 is not covered by Sacred Selections. This is your first step in our partnership. Once you’ve taken that first step, Sacred Selections fulfills our part of the relationship with connections, funding, counseling, and administration. All that remains is your final step in the adoption journey, making the trip and covering the costs of bringing your child home.

Grant Coverage

The bills come to us.

We’ve made a bold statement, “The money barrier goes away”. What exactly does that mean and what expenses does a grant from Sacred Selections cover? Rarely do families receive a bill, and if they do, they can simply place them back in the mail to us. Sacred Selections covers all the direct and indirect costs of adoption, such as:

  1. Adoption agency fees
  2. Adoption attorney’s fees
  3. Expenses for necessary social worker services
  4. Birthmother support expenses (as allowed by state law where the birth mother lives)
  5. ICPC fees
  6. Allowed pre and post placement birthmother counseling

Besides covering these fees, Sacred Selections works directly with your attorney, agency and related adoption parties to receive and pay the invoices for the associated fees and services. Generally speaking you will not even see a bill. This may sound simple, it is. Believe us when we say during the ups and downs of an adoption journey the fact that you don’t worry about or even see a bill is a huge benefit. These are the expenses Sacred Selections covers once you’ve been approved for a grant.

Got Questions?

Learn More About Adoption

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Charitable Status

Sacred Selections, Inc. is incorporated in Tennessee as a 501(c)3 charitable organization, EIN 20-0244936.

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