Ways to Give

Be a part of an incredible group of adoption advocates.

Everyone involved with the work that is done through Sacred Selections is passionate about caring for the fatherless. When you support the work, you are joining an incredible group of selfless individuals who all share this same mindset.

Why Donate?

Financial Support

To provide grants and remove the financial barrier to Christian families with a heart for adoption, Sacred Selections relies upon supporters for funding. The ways in which to financially support adoption are many.

Donation Options

Local Fundraisers

Participate in a Local Fundraiser

Volunteers in local chapters organize fundraising events, to benefit a local family that is adopting through Sacred Selections. These events often take the form of dinners with auctions, concerts, BBQs, or fall festivals. Local chapters decide what type of event they want to host and organize it from beginning to end.

Host or Sponsor a Fundraiser

Would you like to host a fundraiser? Or sponsor a fundraiser?

Fundraising events are the foundation and backbone of our mission.  Since 2008, Christians from 29 states have hosted over 350 fundraising events.  These events come in all shapes and sizes, but each one has been a success not only financially, but in fellowship and service.

Sacred Selections team members would love to help you learn more.

Fundraiser sponsors, at the $250, $500, $1000, or $2500 levels (varies by local chapter) receive benefits for their donation such as advertisement at the event and event tickets. Local company support helps the local chapter closer to their goal of funding a local adoption.

100% of all proceeds go directly toward adoption expenses.

Individual Donation

Individuals are able to make one-time or recurring monthly donation through the Sacred Selections website. You can donate as an individual knowing that your contribution is going directly to the cost of adopting these precious children.

You may also choose to have your donation be in memory of a loved one.  You will be asked to provide a short biography and photo, which will be displayed on the Sacred Selections website.

100% of individual’s donations go directly toward adoption expenses.


The mission of Sacred Selections is to continue funding Christian adoptions for generations to come – as it has since 2006. Recognizing the need to safeguard the organization’s future, the Board of Directors has decided to open an endowment.

Once fully funded, the endowment will support administrative costs – including the growth and compensation of the administrative team – through a dedicated account. The endowment will provide the flexibility and resources required for the team to continue supporting the organization’s amazing families for years to come.

Fully funding this account will enable the Board to continue dedicating net proceeds from all events and donations for adoption expenses, just as they have throughout the history of Sacred Selections.

Future 500 Sponsorship

Based on the success of the past 16 years, we believe it is necessary to make plans to ensure Sacred Selections’ future and growth.

The Future 500 campaign – a campaign for individuals – has a goal to recruit and retain 500 individuals who are supportive of Sacred Selections’ mission, understand the Biblical basis for helping the fatherless, and are willing to
participate in the foundation’s future with a donation of $1000 annually or $83.50/month (recurring).

As a Future 500 contributor, you will receive an exclusive newsletter quarterly with updates on adoptions, adoptive families, and current events.

Won’t you be counted among the number and invest in the FUTURE!

Future 500

Just $83.50 per month helps ensure the future of Sacred Selections

The Future 500 campaign is a hybrid of both current and future funding by individuals capable of committing $1000 annually. Your annual contribution is distributed as follows:

60% Adoption Expenses

20% Operational Costs

20% Endowment

Text F500 to 41-444 to become a member

Percentage of Proceeds

Companies often offer a percentage of their proceeds to charities. Sacred Selections is blessed to currently have two businesses that contribute to fund our adoptions into Christian homes by Percentage of Proceeds programs.

These companies give you an opportunity to contribute financially without spending a dime!

Open Door Financial Services

Open Door Financial Advisors is a fee-only financial planning and investment management firm located in Lubbock, TX, serving clients locally and across the US. Our ultimate goal is to align your money with your values so that you can grow and strengthen your family, church and community.

We believe in the gospel call to place your treasure where your heart is. Sacred Selections does more than support adoptions into Christian homes…they give Christians the opportunity to put their efforts and finances into the work of the Faith. Our firm and clients are excited for the opportunity to contribute 3% of proceeds to Sacred Selections.

If you would like to learn more about Open Door, visit our website at opendoorfa.com

OneStone Biblical Resources

OneStone Biblical Resources gives 2% of ALL purchases to Sacred Selections. OneStone was the original Percentage of Proceeds sponsor for SS back in 2012. You might say, “Before Amazon was Smiling…OneStone was Giving.” What a blessing!

One Stone Biblical Resources is not only your one-stop biblical bookstore and resources, but also the only authorized Sacred Selections merchandise store on the planet.

One Stone supports Sacred Selections as a Corporate Sponsor and a Percentage of Proceeds contributor. Please support Sacred Selections through your purchases on One Stone’s website.

Bosun Solutions

Bosun Solutions is an expert in staffing solutions. Small business and entrepreneurs benefit from Bosun’s ability to offer scalability for operational and administrative needs. Larger corporations hire Bosun for employee placement. Whether you need remote, in-office, full-time, or part-time staff…bookkeeper, administrative assistant, or a personal assistant… BOSUN IS YOUR SOLUTION.


get Bosun Solutions approved as a staffing choice, and Sacred Selections reaps the benefit as well.

Bosun Solutions is proud to offer a percentage of the proceeds to Sacred Selections derived from staffing fees when an employer participates in the Bosun Gives program on their new business. It’s simple. YOU hire Bosun or speak with your HR and tell them about the opportunity to get great staffing solutions AND contribute to the adoption of a fatherless child.

When a business contracts with Bosun for new business, they simply indicate that they would like Bosun Gives to appropriate 5% of the staffing fee for that contract to Sacred Selections. It’s that simple.

Please indicate you would like Bosun Gives to contribute 5% of your staffing fee to Sacred Selections.

Kingdom Marketing

Kingdom Marketing’s core mission is to build up the Kingdom of Christ. We do this by empowering Kingdom-oriented business managers, owners, and founders to grow their businesses through tactical digital marketing. We consider our business and other Kingdom businesses as a set of talents that we are entrusted with and responsible for growing.

Sacred Selections’ work of providing homes to fatherless children is at the core of what Jesus identifies as “sheep activity” in the parable of the talents in Matthew 25. It is with great pleasure that we are partnering with Sacred Selections in this vital work of caring for the most vulnerable among us, and ultimately building up the kingdom.

Kingdom Marketing devotes at least 10% of its proceeds towards Sacred Selections for approving clients.

To learn more about Kingdom Marketing visit their website at trykingdom.com

Corporate Sponsorship

Businesses sponsor Sacred Selections with annual contributions usually ranging from $3,000 to $5,000 to support the foundation’s operational expenses.

These corporate sponsorships are so important to the mission.  They allow the foundation to give 100% of individual donations and net proceeds from fundraisers directly to the cost of adoption.

And while Board members are not compensated, it does cost money to run the foundation. Corporate sponsors understand that.  They are businesspeople.

Corporate sponsors sit on the board on a rotating basis and contribute to the mission of the foundation by providing independent oversight on the foundation’s budget, adherence to its core mission, and principles of Biblical stewardship. The continuing financial support by our corporate sponsors and their affirmation on how it is run, serves to establish confidence to all our donors-supporters regarding the integrity of what we do and how we do it. 

How to Donate

Check Donations

Mailing a check for large donations is preferred since it saves a transaction fee

Mail your tax deductible gift to:
723 University Ave #265, Georgetown, TX 78626

Other Ways to Donate

Bosun Gives – Hire Bosun Solutions for all of your staffing needs and ask that 5% of your fee be donated to Sacred Selection.

OneStone Bible Resources – Make any purchase from OneStone and 2% of the cost will be donated to Sacred Selection.


Online donations are fast, simple and secure ways to support Sacred Selections.

Tribute Donations

Commemorating a loved one’s life with a gift on behalf of a fatherless child is a wonderful and spiritual way to pay forward and recognize the value of someone’s life and the impact it had on you.

Got Questions?

Learn More About Donations

While Sacred Selections is not an adoption agency, we do have a lot of experience with the adoption process. We also have a lot of families who have adopted and share their stories, experiences, and lessons.

Charitable Status

Sacred Selections, Inc. is incorporated in Tennessee as a 501(c)3 charitable organization, EIN 20-0244936.

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Thank You For Considering Donating...

The Sacred Selections board believes that if you are visiting our website your heart is in the right place and your mind is thoughtfully considering the merits of our mission.

Jesus himself lays the challenge at our feet and portrays it as the criteria by which judgment will be passed, that we feed the hungry, show hospitality to the stranger, gave clothing to those in need and cared for the sick. James the Lords brother concurred with his admonishment that pure religion was to care for the orphans. And of course his connection of faith and deeds to seeing a brother or sister in need and wishing them well but providing no actual assistance to their circumstances.

As important as all these good works are they do not of course compare in scale to the saving of souls. Sacred Selections earnestly believes that through the process of adoption we can accomplish all of these good works through the most precious of earthly relationships—a loving family.

Your gift large or small, one time or over time can be a part of one of the greatest joys and deepest satisfactions, raising a child in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord. Having been a part of and witness to the birth of new families, see the hope that is beyond despair and watching the course of a child’s future change is truly life.

The board knows your heart is right, you are committed to His work. We invite you to share in our mission, share in our joy and be a part of bringing a child home and to Jesus Christ.

We listed some convenient ways for contributions to be made to Sacred Selection. Consider carefully the avenue best suited for you. Any and all is deeply appreciated.

- Sacred Selections Board