Zach Ervin: An Inspiring Journey of Hope and Achievement Through Adoption

“Do you know how long…(his voice quivering more), I have waited to say these words, ‘This is my son…Zach.”

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Zach Ervin came into the world in 2009 and became the first child and son of Rob and Amber that same year. The Ervin’s had applied for a Sacred Selections grant in late 2008 which was only the second year of the foundation’s existence.

Rob and Amber made the trip from Indiana to the second annual Memphis Fundraiser (in Bartlett TN) that year. As is Dana’s tradition we have the recent Sacred Selections families who have adopted stand up and come up to address the audience and say, “Thank you… to the nice people.” Rob and Amber (pictured above, Rob holding the microphone) joined three other couples on the stage.

Rob’s hand was shaking as he took the microphone. He looked first at Amber, his son and then the crowd, “This is my son…” Rob’s voiced cracked and tears started streaming. It took a few seconds for Rob to regain his composure and he continued with more tears and deeper emotions, “Do you know how long… (his voice quivering more), I have waited to say these words, ‘This is my son… Zach.”

The room was silent save for the regular sounds of tearful sniffles [men and women], purses opening as hands searched for a kleenex or kerchief. Such was Zach’s welcome to the Sacred Selections family.

Zach is a young man of fourteen now. He excels in school and has for two of his recent years maintained straight A’s.

In addition to strong academics, Zach has a great sense of humor. He loves to tell jokes and stories and according to mom and dad, tends to “crack himself up” more than others in the room.

Zach loves buffalo wings with something called “Sweet Chili Cha Cha” and McDonalds.

Recently Zach is showing a real passion for football and being from Indianapolis this would include the COLTS.

zachs baptism

Jesus reminded us during one of his first trials and tribulations, that “Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”

Adoption is not only or simply about provisions for the body…” room and board” but for the provision of the soul and spirit.

We fund and only fund adoptions for Christian couples for the specific purpose of providing for the full and complete needs of children created in God’s image…to be raised in the “nurture and admonition of the Lord.” Rob and Amber realized one of their greatest dreams in June of 2023, their first son, who came into their home by adoption was born again, putting Christ on in baptism.

Zach Ervin is on his way.

A funny, smart, kind, and loving child of God.

We all want to thank you for being a part of Zach’s life for your contributions to the Ervin family, for your prayers and participation in God’s plan for and through His people in the practice of “pure religion”.

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3 thoughts on “Zach Ervin: An Inspiring Journey of Hope and Achievement Through Adoption”

  1. We’ve been blessed by knowing the Ervin family since Zach was a baby and have enjoyed seeing him grow up. Always a smile and a tolerance for a thump ( soft) on his head as we sat behind them at services. Rejoiced at his decision to be baptized knowing he will be a dedicated servant of God throughout his life.

  2. We have loved Zach, you might say, before his birth. Amazing that this tiny infant could fill our hearts with such love. Sacred Selections has been in our prayers from that day forward.

    Bill and Pat Ervin

  3. The phone call from my daughter when she and Rob were about to take Zach home from the hospital is a moment I will never forget. I grabbed my already packed suitcase, and was in their home, in time to spend much of his first overnight hours at home holding and rocking our tiny bundle of joy. I thank God for sending Zachary into our family and am so proud of the fine young man he is becoming!

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