The Lord's work at any stage of life.
Just because you can’t adopt a child, or don’t have the funds to donate doesn’t mean there isn’t a place for you in the Lord’s kingdom work. All individuals in the body of Christ can work in one way or another. It might not look exactly like you thought, but you will most certainly find a great reward for your service and support of caring for the fatherless.

8 Ways to Get Involved

Financial Support
92% of donors make an annual donation of between $100-$200. In the last 5 years this represents over 5000 donors. We all have an opportunity to care for the fatherless and to help families adopt. Please set aside and commit to just $10 a month. It all adds up to another place at the table for a child.

Host or Sponsor a Fundraiser
Fundraising events are the foundation and backbone of our mission. These events come in all shapes & sizes but each one has been a success not only financially but in fellowship and increasing awareness around adoption and the cost to adopt.
We need local Sponsors to help defray the cost of the events. Sponsors can be individuals or businesses. Sponsors get great perks such as advertising and special treatment at events.

Promote Adoption
Families adopt because they are unable to have biological children, want to grow their family through adoption, or out of desire to provide a home for a fatherless child.
If you know a family that fits any of these examples, please consider encouraging them to think about sacred selections and using their home and family to help a fatherless child.

Host an Adopting Family
Tom and Susan have hosted over 50 Sacred Selections families. They have demonstrated such a commendable example of hospitality to “strangers” on an emotional journey. Tom & Susan will also tell you it has been one of the most joyful, rewarding experiences in their lives.

Host an Adoption Workshop
Talking to families about adoption – what to expect, the challenges and the blessings, as well as the support Sacred Selections can offer – often can best be done in a local workshop. When the SS founders are in your town, this can be an occasion to invite brothers and sisters in Christ who are interested in learning more about Sacred Selections and the adoption process into your home to meet with them. Interested in hosting a workshop? Contact us.

Encourage Mothers to Choose Life
The message of adoption is simple: “if you can choose life, we can help give that life a home.” Adoption shines a light in a dark place. We have seen hundreds of amazing examples. If we say no to abortion, we must consider and offer solutions. Help someone struggling with such an emotional decision. Overcome your fears – have that conversation and encourage them to call.

Legacy Planning
What do we want, what should we want to leave behind and how? How can we create a legacy that reflects our values and our gratitude for God’s will, His guidance, His blessings, and His work? Providing financial means for another child who is fatherless to follow in your footsteps, to have the opportunity to know God and His care is a wonderful way to show Him your thankfulness.

Evangelize the Work
Pure religion which is acceptable to God is defined by caring for the fatherless – individually, and by extension collectively. Israel was condemned and judged for lacking in this practice. James simply reminds us we will be too, in James 1:27. We should remind ourselves and others of this sobering fact. “Let us provoke one another to love and good works.
Ready to participate?
Certainly you’re not the first person with questions about adoption. Visit our FAQ (frequently asked questions) page where we hope to provide answers.