Sacred Selections Honors Steve Wilsher

After patiently listening and carefully considering he said, “I want to help.” And boy did he ever.

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I met Steve Wilsher first in April of 1973. He was a year ahead of me at Florida College. Steve had taken the initiative to “get-to-know-me”, made a quick assessment of this recent high school graduate, now college freshman and then proceeded to offer me a summer job with him. I don’t remember much of those long-faded memories except one. I remember thinking, “This is a really good and smart guy who will go places.”

Steve is, was, and did.

Many years and events transpired before our paths crossed again but word and stories popped up repeatedly from mutual friends and at many times across the country about Steve, his good and successful work in business and in the kingdom. My original assessment in 1973 was proving to be prophetic.

In the early days when Sacred Selections was just getting off the ground, Steve heard about it and contacted us. He was intrigued and wanted to know more. After patiently listening and carefully considering he said, “I want to help.” And boy did he ever. His generosity, his support, and the doors he opened for us I do not have time enough to tell. I am reminded though as I reflect, that his influence was analogous to how Jesus described “the Spirit”. You can’t see where it comes from or where it is going but you can sure feel its presence. That’s pretty much how Steve worked helping Sacred Selections. Adoption touched Steve’s life in several ways, and he understood the powerful love it is.

Years later I had the privilege of serving on the Florida College Board of Directors with Steve. And once again, I observed this good, strong, generous, and humble man quietly at work. Another principle our Savior taught was evidenced in how Steve engaged himself in the Lord’s work. His giving and involvement, so demonstrated what the Master said about, “Not letting your left hand know what the right hand is doing.” So many knew something about what Steve did, but nobody knew everything about what Steve did. His goodness was on a “need to know basis”. God knew the rest.

Steve was good, generous, wise, and always forward thinking.

We’ve spent many hours with Steve and Marsha in their home and in ours. I have such valuable memories of this good man, his wisdom, and his infectious laugh. Steve, all the good you’ve done is only known to God. But countless brothers and sisters know and will never forget what you did for them.

As much as I will miss future times together under the sun, I still have and treasure all those memories and rejoice with you now that you are home, in His arms and have already heard, “Well done good and faithful servant.”

Dana and I love you, Steve.

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