Psalm 23

Read David Carrozza’s account of the hardships and joys already experienced in 2023.

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We’re only a few weeks into the new 2023 year. And it already feels like we’re gasping for breath.

In just the first thirty days of the new year, we and many others have taken the journey of life as so eloquently described by the Psalmist, King David, with its highs and lows, rejoicing and mourning, with comforts and fears, cups running over and absolute emptiness of despair.

We have seen families waiting for the Lord to set a table in the presence of their enemies, couples devastated by loss and disappointment and then experiencing the revival of restoration. Three couples have walked the valley of death with children they had hoped to call their own, and one of our Sacred Selections fathers has gone to “dwell in the house of the Lord forever”.

Still Waters & Green Pastures

Eight children have been led by the Shepherd to the still waters and green pastures of a loving Christian home already this year. This young child being held in the loving arms of her father is already experiencing and learning about the love of her heavenly Father, His divine love, and plan for every newborn child; a loving home.

Comfort in the Valley of Death

Three couples traversed this dark path in January, receiving the devastating news that the child they hoped to bring home, love, and raise was still born or passed shortly after birth. These are hard things to bear, hard news to share and yet we saw them protected by His rod, comforted and guided by His staff. They are being restored.

Families facing contested adoptions are sitting at tables prepared in advance with strong and positive reputations in the family court system. They are being surrounded and defended by competent attorneys fiercely defending justice and the best interests of the children.

One attorney recently told us, “even the court judges are noticing”, based on the stellar reputation of Sacred Selections families.

Tables Are Being Set and Prepared in the Presence of Adversaries.

This year a few of the Sacred Selections families are facing with courage, resolve, faith and with loving character, challenges to their adoption plans. Many brothers and sisters are coming along their side with prayers, emotional support, financial support and legal support to advocate for their cause to lead their child “in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake.”

A Sacred Selections Father Has Gone to Dwell in the House of the Lord Forever.

January 28, 2023, Brian Mason, passed into eternity. Brian and his wife Julie adopted Hadley Joy in 2018. Brian and Julie were so brave, faithful, and loving when they got the call for baby Hadley. The hospice nurse told Hadley when she asked, “if daddy is going to heaven, how would he kiss her?” The nurse smiled, “Every time the wind blows that will be your daddy giving you a kiss.” The same Lord that has welcomed Brian home said, “Whoever receives a child like this in My name, receives Me.”

We Need a Shepherd to Lead Us.

2023 is going to be, by design and determination, a year of change and transition. As the foundation moves into its sixteenth year there a many positive signs of past successes and future growth. The board of directors along with the founders have made the decision to begin the planning and search for the next generation leadership.

We pray that God will give us all – everyone who has committed themselves to this aspect of kingdom work, wisdom, patience, endurance and resolve to cross the many bridges necessary to move into the next phase of the work.

In that “vein” our presentation theme this year is “Here Am I Send Me” from the prophet Isaiah 6:8. There will be many needs and many ways for many people to see the opportunity and say, “Here am I send me.”

January has dramatically demonstrated in good ways and hard ways life in the kingdom for the people Jesus redeemed

from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works.

Titus 2:14

The harvest is indeed plentiful, pray that the Lord of the harvest may send forth workers.

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2 thoughts on “Psalm 23”

  1. Barbara Mcdonald

    May God richly bless and guide the work that is being done. Help us all to help in any way that comes along. Whether we are near or far many of us are willing to help if told how we can!

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517 Children & Counting

Since 2007, the adoption expenses for 517 children have been either fully or partially funded by Sacred Selections. Sacred Selections has helped to fund both domestic and international adoptions from 9 different countries, for couples living in 29 different states.

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