What started out as my passion to help women choose life for their unborn child morphed into finding a way to care for women during their pregnancies, and then ultimately to help families adopt the babies of those brave women who chose life.
Many tearful, fervent, and effectual prayers were made to God to show us the path to these dreams.
God provided in endless, powerful, and glorious ways.
The task seemed insurmountable, yet all along God gave me a sense of peace that He was in control. We just needed to do the work!
And then they came: the families wanting to adopt and the adoption agencies who were caring for women who chose life and were requesting good Christian families for their babies.
Now all we needed was the money to help the families adopt the babies!
Then God gave us a blessing we never saw coming… a major medical lab asked us if we would like to sell our lab to them!
God answered all those late-night tearful prayers at once.
We could personally financially help some of the first families to adopt and show others how this could work. Also, we now had the opportunity to devote all our time to this mission we had decided to call Sacred Selections.
I made the statement in the beginning, “How wonderful it would be to help 5 or 6 children in our lifetime land softly in a loving Christian home.” Well God turned my head and said, “Watch this!”
God placed that same passion in the hearts of thousands of Christians like you to care for a mother, adopt, hold a fundraiser, make and donate items, and give big!!
This is all brilliantly evident in the 517 adoptions of children – from infants to 18 years old and from 13 countries around the world.
Sacred Selections is not owned by any one or two persons, and we felt that to be good stewards of this magnificent gift that God put in our care to help guide over the past 18 years also meant to provide a way for it to continue in helping children and families in the future.
God is merciful and has provided the people necessary to make sure Sacred Selections will keep helping children and adopting families.
I ask that you still consider Sacred Selections so that hundreds more children will know God and His love for them. Without your support, Sacred Selections will cease to exist.
People would say, “Thank you” to me and I would tell them, “No, it’s all God”. I know that to be true. None of these blessings would have happened without God!
To date, 82 of the Sacred Selections children have been baptized – the many prayers in the beginning are now being fulfilled. Who knows the amazing things God has planned for the Sacred Selections children whether in their lifetimes or their descendants?
I thank you for your love over these past 18 years. Working shoulder to shoulder with you and getting to know you in this effort has been a blessing beyond anything I could ever have dreamed.
May our Lord be praised,