Meet the Corporate Sponsors: Kingdom Marketing

William and Skyler are Kingdom Marketing - Driven By Deep-Rooted Commitment to Giving Back

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Kingdom Marketing is one of Sacred Selections’ newer corporate sponsors. Take a minute to get to know them and the work they do!

Navigating the World of Marketing With Purpose

Kingdom Marketing was founded by William Reagan and Skyler Meek with the goal of empowering Kingdom-oriented business owners or managers to build up the Kingdom of God by bringing in new leads and customers to their doorstep. They do this through various marketing initiatives including SEO, advertising, social media management, email campaigns, and brand strategy. Kingdom Marketing also has a very high-performing creative team who delivers web design and brand identity.

Co-founder Skyler Meek says, “Ultimately, we want to help foster the mindset that our businesses are a set of talents and the Master expects us to grow them by contributing to the growth and expansion of the Kingdom of God.”

Driven By Deep-rooted Commitment to Giving Back

The Kingdom Marketing team first learned about Sacred Selections through some of the members assembling with them in their local church family. That was a few years before being introduced to David through one of the elders, who sits on the board for Sacred Selections. After attending one of the fundraising events and hearing the stories of the birth mothers and the adoptions, Meek was inspired to do “something” to help. So he sought out that board member and asked to get plugged in one way or another.

Skyler began a relationship with Sacred Selections doing a website design and re-build. Sacred Selections cofounder David Carrozza was great about finding a place for the team to contribute and entrusting them with the work. After that work was complete, the Kingdom Marketing team continued maintaining the website and adding new features until they officially launched Kingdom Marketing, and are now contributing with the percentage of proceeds program.

Dedicated to Driving Positive Change

When asked about why they are supporting the kingdom-focused work of Sacred Selections, Meek responded: “William and I encourage ALL of our customers at Kingdom Marketing to participate in Kingdom building – and to do it starting now. Many entrepreneurs decide to wait until they are profitable or “some other day” to grow their talents, but that’s “1 talent man” thinking. There is always a way to contribute starting immediately – and there’s no more vulnerable group of God’s people than children without fathers.”

If you’d like to learn more about Kingdom Marketing and how they could help your business, visit them at

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517 Children & Counting

Since 2007, the adoption expenses for 517 children have been either fully or partially funded by Sacred Selections. Sacred Selections has helped to fund both domestic and international adoptions from 9 different countries, for couples living in 29 different states.

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