We’ve always focused on looking ahead…forward. “I press on” as the apostle Paul told his brothers in Philippi.
But every now and then something stops you in your tracks and compels you to look back at the impact of all that’s happened. To reflect for a moment on where you’ve been, how you arrived and the significance of what has been accomplished. Most importantly who to thank.
The first moment happened on Sunday September 25, 2021. Four Sacred Selections families attended the Lexington, KY fundraising event on Saturday night. We all happened to worship together this Sunday morning. We captured this marvelous moment after the morning services. This is Dana with ten of our 393 beautiful, adopted children. You were all part of this IMPACT!
Sunday September 25, 2021
Four Sacred Selections families from Alabama, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Texas met after morning services at the Valley church of Christ in Phoenix Arizona. A momentary meeting that will last a lifetime.
A couple of events during September of 2021 presented us with such moments. A cameo view, symbolic of all the work done by thousand of Christians over the past fifteen years. We hope this will stop you in your tracks, for just a moment to give you a deep sense of joy, to inspire you to persevere and to bow down in gratitude to our Father who has provided “the increase” for all your labors.
We sincerely hope you will “savor” these moments which are powerful and symbolic of so much good that has been done for so many and by so many. Remember too that the writer of Hebrews assures us that, “God is not unjust for forget your labor of love.” Hebrews 6:10