Just What the Doctor Ordered

This Sunday morning the great Physician had exactly the right prescription and it came in the form of this handsome young boy, Maverick.

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By doctor I mean the great Physician.

He’s been attentive and listening to Dana’s pleas and prayers all week. Mostly the effects of time and cares. Like Paul and the daily concerns for the saints, hers are those for the kids and the families.

It’s her passion and labor of love. The last few weeks the labor and several situations have been particularly hard.

This Sunday morning the great Physician had exactly the right prescription and it came in the form of this handsome young boy, Maverick.

Before services started Maverick asked his momma if he could sit with “Honey”, Miss Dana. Momma nodded yes and he scurried to her side, cutting in line ahead of Miles, Honey’s youngest grandson.

Dana looked down at those beautiful big brown eyes, his warm smile and loving snuggle. It immediately took her back to Maverick’s adoption journey and how she had fought for his path into a loving Christian home.

This moment was a providential prescription just what Dana needed to lift her spirits and lighten the load. Maverick was the joy she counted under many and various trials.

I think the great Physician knew from firsthand experience what Dana needed, because when He walked this earth and facing many trials, He said on one occasion, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them.”

Little children like Maverick lifted the Savior’s spirit too.

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