How Long Does It Take To…?

When families pursue adoption, there are many questions about the process. One that comes up most frequently is about the timing of each step in the process.

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One of the most frequent questions asked by prospective adoptive families is something along the lines of “How long does it take to __________?” 

Sometimes we have an answer that can actually be informative: 

How long does it take to get your home study back? 

Typically 1 – 2 weeks, depending on a few factors. 

How long does it take to know if we are grant-approved after we submit? 

Hopefully just 2 days! 

How long after delivery can all the paperwork be signed? 

Depending on the state, either 48 or 72 hours. 

How long should we expect to wait for ICPC clearance? 

After all documents are signed and baby is released from the hospital, anticipate up to 2 weeks. 

How long does it take to finalize? 

Most finalizations are about 6 months after placement. 

But the answer to almost every other option for that fill-in-the-blank space is, unfortunately, that the timing is not predictable…it could be 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months, or 2 years. Whether the question is “How long until we see our first intake,” or “How many times will we submit our profile before we match,” or, “When will we hear back after submitting,”…the answer is that there are so many factors working together that trying to make a prediction is futile. 

The waiting is one of the hardest elements for our families as they walk in faith toward adoption. We are accustomed to planning ahead for travel, arriving at appointments 15 minutes early, and having significant events booked out months in advance on our calendars. But that is not typically the reality when dealing with adoption. So how long from the time you are officially grant-approved to when you welcome a child into your home? Could be 1 week, as we saw for one family in 2023! Could be just a couple of months. But could also be 2 long matches that ended in disruptions and then an emergency call from the hospital later. 

Our families step forward, ready for action as they pray for God to send them, and then often have their commitment to that calling tested as God answers either, “Go now,” or, “Not just yet.” We tell our families that this journey will likely be a rollercoaster and will test their faith at some point. When it does, they continue to step forward saying, “Here am I, send me!”

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1 thought on “How Long Does It Take To…?”

  1. There is a saying that goes “any thing worth having takes extra effort ” extra effort is an understatement for the team that’s in place to save lives of those in need . Those “I will help” couples are like huge mirrors walking around letting Gods light shine off of them . If u get to meet some of them your day will be brighter ,your faith will be stronger, your heart will be touched ,your prayers will flow, your wanting to hug them burns in your very soul – your wanting to help and support them becomes a honor & passion . Some of u must write a song , some of us want to sing it . It needs to be sung ! God bless u adopting mom & dads , it’s worthwhile, let us help with some extra effort.

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