Expect Good News: Sharing the Kingdom’s Work and Rejoicing in God’s Grace

In a world often filled with negative news and challenges, it's essential to remind ourselves of the good news that the gospel brings.

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In a world often filled with negative news and challenges, it’s essential to remind ourselves of the good news that the gospel brings. The gospel, which means “good news,” is not just a one-time event but an ongoing source of hope and inspiration. As believers, we are called to expect good news and continue sharing it with others. Let’s explore the significance of this message and its impact on our lives.

The Kingdom of God: A Message of Good News

When Jesus walked the earth, He proclaimed the arrival of the Kingdom of God. He urged people to repent and believe in the gospel, emphasizing that the time was fulfilled, and the kingdom was at hand (Mark 1:14-15). The Lord’s Prayer also reflects the longing for God’s kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:9-10). This proclamation is not merely theoretical or theological; it is a genuine cause for celebration and sharing.

The Example of the Macedonians: Good News in Action

In his second letter to the Corinthians, the apostle Paul shared a good news bulletin regarding the Macedonian churches. Despite facing great affliction and deep poverty, the Macedonians displayed remarkable generosity and joy in their support for the needy saints in Jerusalem (2 Corinthians 8:1-4).

Paul praised their willingness to give beyond their means, highlighting the honor in their actions (2 Corinthians 8:21). Their benevolence exemplified the work of the kingdom and emphasized the importance of doing good to all people (Galatians 6:10).

Thinking on Good and Noble Things

In the midst of a troubled and chaotic world, it is crucial to focus our minds on what is true, noble, just, pure, lovely, and praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8-9). Such positive contemplation brings the peace of God into our lives. This mindset not only benefits us individually but also enables us to share these thoughts with others.

Peter encourages believers to manifest good works and honorable conduct, allowing others to observe and glorify God through our actions (1 Peter 2:12, 15).

Sharing the Good News: Caring for the Fatherless

One of the remarkable ways we can demonstrate the gospel’s power is by caring for the fatherless. Adoption, though challenging, is a noble and honorable work that aligns with the practice of pure religion.Stories of God’s people engaging in such acts of love and compassion should be shared and celebrated within local congregations and the broader kingdom. By engaging in kingdom work and helping the fatherless, we fulfill God’s will and showcase the fruitful nature of His people.

Rejoicing in God’s Grace

Ultimately, the gospel embodies the incredible work of God in and through us. As Paul reminds us, it is God who works in us, empowering us to fulfill His good pleasure (Philippians 2:13). We can witness the fruit of this work as we reflect on the lives transformed through adoption and the love shown to the fatherless. Every saved child represents a cause for rejoicing, both in heaven and on earth (Matthew 18:13-14). Let us embrace this good news with joy and share it enthusiastically.


The gospel is more than a historical event; it is an ongoing source of good news and hope. As believers, we are called to expect good news and actively share it with others. The examples of the Macedonians and the practice of caring for the fatherless remind us of the honor and joy found in kingdom work. By focusing our minds on what is good and noble, we bring peace into our lives and serve as a beacon

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