Corporate Sponsors: Griffin Industries

As a business owner there are always people asking for assistance or donations and many are worthwhile, but Sacred Selections is at the top of our list because of the life changing impact they have on all involved.

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Before we met and became acquainted with Matt Turner, we met Allan, Matt’s dad. The occasion for our meeting was through Sacred Selections and our daughter Nicole, who was attending the Alpharetta church of Christ in the city by the same name located in Georgia. Allan was an elder there. My recollections of our first meeting were, “This is a very distinguished man, faithful gospel preacher and an elder of substance and influence.” The first time we shook hands after a Sunday morning service, must have been around 2014. I still remember listening to his profound comments and insights in the morning Bible class. 

Over the next few years, we would see Allan once a year as we traveled to Atlanta for an annual Sacred Selections fundraiser. Allan always made the effort to make his way through the Sunday morning crowd to say hello, shake hands and ask about the work. I looked forward to that each year. One of the last times I saw and chatted with Allan, he took several minutes to express his admiration for how so many were helping the fatherless through adoption and how he saw this work fulfilling the command in James 1:27.

As we visited the Alpharetta congregation, I noticed a younger, darker haired version of Allan. His son Matt. Like his dad, Matt struck me as a “guy-who-knows-his-stuff”. After a few more annual trips to Georgia, I learned more about Matt and his business acumen along with his passion for kingdom work, particularly with evangelism. 

If memory serves me, it was around 2018, while in town, I asked Matt if we could get together over lunch. Matt immediately and enthusiastically agreed. We sat down for three solid hours of wonderful conversation, each of us sharing stories about the work we were doing and picking each other’s brains for ideas and constructive critiques. I was particularly interested in Matt’s feedback on a new idea floating around in my head as a way to develop relationships with Christian men and women who owned businesses and who understood that in many ways, the Lord’s business [work] has elements very similar if not exactly the same, as secular business and work. Matt was a spiritual man with a business head. 

This was my first “pitch” to Matt about our Corporate Sponsors plan. I was about five minutes into the pitch as Matt was finishing his lunch, when he looked up after the last bite and said, “I get it. Great idea! I’m in, how much do you need?” 

Matt and Griffin Solutions has continued to support Sacred Selections, providing a big part of our strategy for an operational budget that allows us to say, “100% of all private donations go solely for adoption”. Matt also sits on our Business Advisory Board which provides independent oversight to how Sacred Selections conducts our mission. 

This is Matt’s story about his participation and investment in this aspect of kingdom work through Sacred Selections

Griffin solutions logo

My name is Matt Turner and along with my wife Allison and four kids Quinn, Clara, Griffin, and Blake we live in Woodstock, Georgia on the outskirts of Atlanta.  

I am currently the CEO/Founder of THH Holdings, which consists of seven technology services companies each with their own specialty. GRIFFIN Solutions Group was the first of these companies and develops custom software for various clients ranging as large as 50 billion to as small as 5 million.  

GRIFFIN Solutions Group has been a business sponsor to Sacred Selections for some time as we believe in the mission to financially assist Christian couples whose hearts and homes are open to raising a child in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

I was fortunate enough to meet David and Dana and see the dedication they have made in their lives to lead Sacred Selections. They have assembled a top notch team dedicated to the mission. To be able to support the back office functions for Sacred Selections so that all the monies raised goes directly to the adoption is a blessing to GRIFFIN Solutions Group.

Whenever a new adoption takes place, it brings a smile to our faces. We know this is just the start of that child’s journey, but what better situation for that child is there than to be raised in a loving home that first loves the Lord. As a business owner there are always people asking for assistance or donations and many are worthwhile, but Sacred Selections is at the top of our list because of the life changing impact they have on all involved.

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