April Fool’s Weekend

I can state with absolute certainty, this year’s April Fool's day was no joke!

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I can state with absolute certainty, this year’s April Fool’s day was no joke!

Across four states: Arizona, Kentucky, Missouri, and North Carolina over 800 people came together to hear messages about practicing pure religion – caring for the fatherless. Encouraged families that have and are considering helping a child in need, admonished one another to love and good works, generosity and to abound more and more.

Collectively brothers and sisters in Christ “gave of their means and even beyond their means” in order to help remove the financial barriers to adoption in the amount of nearly $100,000. This will fund almost three adoptions.

We’re sharing some quick cameo views of good people, great work and wonderful fellowship in the kingdom.

Smile and enjoy!

Friday March 31, 2023: Adoption Workshop, Louisville KY

Tom and Judy Stockton
Two couples attending the adoption workshop

Meet Tom & Judy Stockton! Perhaps the Aquila & Priscilla of the adoption ministry! Tom and Judy have used their home, dinner table and good cooking to host adoption workshops for over 10 years. Approximately 15 couples have enjoyed the warmth of their home and the fellowship in this work during this time and all but one of these couples have adopted at least one child into their own home and family. That’s a 93% success rate.

The second picture above shows two new couples attending the workshop this year. Chad and Amy Scott, Jenna and Scott Beyer (both SS families) are on the left of this picture, with Scott at the back of the table.

Saturday April 1, 2023: St. Louis Missouri

St Louis Auction
St Louis Auction Group Selfie

Heather Kendall (pictured above in the back middle) chaired this year’s event.

You can see the “younger generation” team who are picking up the banner to keep the mission going. It’s heartwarming and encouraging to see those young, bright smiling faces, and their joy in serving.

Saturday April 1, 2023: Louisville, KY

This was the tenth annual Louisville event. Chad and Amy Scott (SS family) have chaired the event for the past 3 years.

Chad told me, “This is becoming a great tradition for the Louisville congregations”.

Jenna and Scott Beyer, who gave the event presentation. Scott and Jenna have adopted SIX children with the foundation’s support.

Lastly and most wonderfully you see Easia and to the immediate right you see Jocelyn and Nathan Fowler. Jocelyn and Nathan adopted Jenna (in the pale green shirt) who is Easia’s biological daughter.

This picture was taken at Easia’s baptism about 2 years ago. Easia is the 6th birthmother to have been converted and baptized following the choice to place a child for adoption.

Saturday April 1, 2023: Concord, North Carolina

Tim and Janice Rowe, the Sacred Selections Record holder for adoptions at eleven. This was their 10th annual Orphan Run Motorcycle Ride “For the Babies”

Saturday & Sunday April 1-2, 2023: Phoenix Arizona – Valley Congregation Church of Christ

Dana spoke on “A Sevant’s Glory” and David have his “One Lesson a Year” on caring for the fatherless through adoption at the Valley Congregation church of Christ in Phoenix, AZ.

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A Message From The Board

As you consider your year-end giving plans, we ask that you please remember Sacred Selections and its 18-year legacy of kingdom work.

512 Children & Counting

Since 2007, the adoption expenses for 512 children have been either fully or partially funded by Sacred Selections. Sacred Selections has helped to fund both domestic and international adoptions from 9 different countries, for couples living in 29 different states.

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