Dear Friends of Sacred Selections,
As you consider your year-end giving plans, we, the Board of Directors for Sacred Selections, ask that you please remember Sacred Selections and its 18-year legacy of kingdom work. In that time Christian families and communities across the country have been enriched by the blessing of over 500 precious young souls being placed lovingly into their arms. It is by your generosity that each of these infants and children have been welcomed into homes in which they can learn about Jesus.
We are thankful that, through this year of transition with the Carrozzas’ retirement and a new team stepping forward, God continues to give the increase. This year we have had the privilege of helping fund close to 30 adoptions, adding to the ever-growing number of families and children being served by this organization.
Today, you have an opportunity to safeguard the continuation of the work of helping children find safety and security in a Christian family by donating to the Sand & Stars Endowment Fund. The Sacred Selections Endowment Fund was created to fully cover administrative expenses as they arise in the future. It has been the wise and right choice to hire full time employees to continue to carry out this work, and with more staff comes more cost. So far that cost has been covered by generous donors that specified their funds to be used for administration expenses. As a long-term solution, you can join in funding the endowment by giving online or by sending a check to the address below with the memo: Endowment.
It has always been true that 100% of your donations and net proceeds from fundraisers have gone directly to adoption expenses. We are committed to continuing this practice and your donation will always be fully credited to our adoption expense account, unless you specifically choose to give toward covering other expenses through your own direct request, the Future 500 campaign, or the Sand & Stars Endowment. If you prefer to give to the work of directly funding adoptions, please make a donation online or mail a check to the address below.
Each grain of sand and each star may appear insignificant on its own, but they come together to create an Innumerable and magnificent host. In the same way, each contribution to Sacred Selections comes together to enable great acts of love by birthmothers and adoptive families who are seeking to provide for their children.
Thank you for your continued support and love for children and families. We covet your prayers for wisdom in leading this organization and for all who are involved in the adoption of each precious child.

Josh & Stacy Aaron, TN
Marlin & Cindy Chapman, TN
Todd & Kathy Cox, TX
Tom & Joy Hamilton, FL
Craig & Anna Hecht, TX
Nathan & Hayes Johnson, AL
Rod & Lisa Waterman, IA
Sacred Selections
723 W University Ave #265 • Georgetown, TX 78626