Looking Ahead To Fall Fundraisers

Fall is a busy time for Sacred Selections Fundraising Teams! These local volunteers and the surrounding communities are at the heart of our organization.

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Fall is a busy time for Sacred Selections Fundraising Teams! Fundraising is at the heart of our organization. Sacred Selections exists to remove the financial barrier between Christian families and adoption. Without our wonderful donors and our hardworking local fundraising teams, Sacred Selections wouldn’t have been able to help nearly 500 children land softly in Christian homes! Read on to learn where you can find a fundraising effort local to you.

July hardly counts as fall, but we have an exciting event coming up in just a few days! The West Tennessee chapter will hold its first ever event on July 20th in Medina, Tennessee. The Christmas in July themed lunch and auction represents a promising start for this new chapter in Tennessee. 

Our fall season officially kicks off just after the kids head back to school. The newly formed Colorado chapter will hold a 5k fundraiser on August 10th in Littleton. On August 24th, the Pineywoods chapter will hold their inaugural event in Lufkin, Texas. A group is planning a high tea in Hayden, Alabama on September 7th to raise funds for families.

September 14th is a busy busy day! The Kansas City chapter is planning a trivia night, the Brazos Valley chapter will hold a clay shoot and dinner & auction, and the Atlanta chapter will hold their annual dinner & auction in Roswell, Georgia. The following weekend will see a concert and family night on September 20th in Sheridan, Indiana, and the annual Green Country Oklahoma dinner & auction on the 21st. The South Texas chapter will round out the month with their fourth annual dinner & auction in Sinton, Texas on September 28th.

Tennessee will kick off October with dinner & auction events in Memphis on October 5th and the annual East Tennessee chapter event in Chattanooga is on the same day. The Arkansas chapter will hold their annual dinner & auction on October 12th. The Dallas-Fort Worth chapter will celebrate their tenth year with a dinner & auction event in Carrollton on October 19th. As a special treat, the entire administrative team will be at this year’s DFW event to help them celebrate! 

Opportunities to serve and help don’t slow down in November. The Lexington, Kentucky chapter will hold a dinner & auction event on November 2nd, and the Bowling Green, Kentucky chapter will hold their annual dinner & auction on November 8th. The Houston chapter will follow the next day with their annual gala on November 9th. The East Texas chapter will close out the fall fundraiser season with their event in Lindale on December 7th.

These fundraising events are so much more than just a chance to go out to dinner and purchase auction items. You get to spend time with others who are also passionate about the plight of the vulnerable. You can meet members of the administrative team and hear speeches about the important work we can do together to help children and families. You can ask questions and attend workshops to learn more about whether adoption might be right for your family. 

Do you see a fundraiser near you? If you haven’t been to one recently, this year is an exciting year to get to see all the work Sacred Selections is able to do with your help. Don’t see a fundraiser near you? Consider starting a chapter! You can contact our Fundraising Director, Liz Wunderly, for more details.

As always, all proceeds from auctions and fundraisers go directly to adoption related expenses. If you’re interested in helping with administrative expenses to make sure Sacred Selections can keep helping families and children, consider a donation to the administrative fund or becoming a member of the Future 500

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A Message From The Board

As you consider your year-end giving plans, we ask that you please remember Sacred Selections and its 18-year legacy of kingdom work.

513 Children & Counting

Since 2007, the adoption expenses for 513 children have been either fully or partially funded by Sacred Selections. Sacred Selections has helped to fund both domestic and international adoptions from 9 different countries, for couples living in 29 different states.

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